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Supplier Diversity
Third-Party Construction
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NRP is proud of our long-standing relationships.
Third-Party Construction
Supplier Diversity

We all rise together.

At NRP Construction, we consider our strong, long-standing relationships with subcontractors, tradespeople, vendors, and suppliers to be a centerpiece of our success. We continue building these bonds in many ways: through a deep focus on safety and the well-being of our specialty contractors; by always paying quickly and consistently, regardless of the status of the bank draw; by sharing work across a network of subcontractors in each real estate market; by listening and being open to new ideas; and by treating subcontractors as team members in every way. We strongly believe we all rise together.

Join the NRP Subcontractor Team



At NRP, their professionalism, prompt payment, and commitment to being on the forefront of multifamily construction has made it a pleasure to be part of their construction team. Stewart Services has had tremendous success working with The NRP Group in the past and looks forward to being part of their team for years to come.

—Scott Stewart, Stewart Services

Pool in an apartment community

Our supplier diversity policy.

At NRP, our mission is to create exceptional multifamily rental communities for individuals and families, regardless of income. To further that mission, NRP Construction looks for every opportunity to uplift and improve the economic health of the communities we build—both directly and indirectly—by promoting the inclusion of diverse vendors and suppliers in the design and development of each building project.


Specifically, NRP Construction has developed supplier diversity initiatives designed to support the development of qualified minority- and women-owned businesses that align with NRP’s core values and our commitment to supplier diversity and inclusion. These initiatives focus on the following objectives:
  • Increasing the inclusion and participation of minority- and women-owned businesses across our portfolio
  • Setting, tracking, and achieving inclusion goals in each of the regions in which we operate
  • Assisting otherwise qualified vendors and suppliers in obtaining their certifications
  • Participating in supplier diversity events, trade shows, and conferences that provide opportunities to engage, identify, and build relationships with diverse businesses
Although certification is not a prerequisite to conduct business with NRP Construction, it is recommended with a particular emphasis on businesses that are MBE/WBE certified. NRP Construction accepts the following certifications, among others:
  • National Minority Supplier Diversity Council (NMSDC) and its regional chapters
  • Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) and its regional chapters
  • National Women Business Owner Corporation (NWBOC) and its regional chapters
By including more diverse suppliers in each stage of our project development, NRP will be able to not only continue delivering best-in-class multifamily housing, but also create significant community and economic impact in the process.

To learn more about our Supplier Diversity Program, please email